Authors guide Journal of Paramedical Sciences and Rehabilitation
The journal of paramedical sciences and rehabilitation is specialized to present theories, researches, and recent scientific approaches in the fields of health information technology, radiology, laboratory sciences, physical therapy, and occupational therapy in order to promote the quality of education and research and to share scientific experiences.
All the followings should be mentioned in the title page: The title of the article, first name and sir name of the authors, e-mails, phone numbers, title of the corresponding author, affiliation, and short title. |
The followings are considered to be mentioned in the abstract: title, purpose, methods, results, conclusion, and key words.
References should be written in the Vancouver style. They should be new and shouldn’t be less than ten.
Sir name of the first author “space” the first letter of the authors first name,( do the same for the rest of the authors) title of the book, place where the book was published, publisher, date of publish, and referred pages. Example: Marrel R, McLellan J. Information Management in Health care USA: Delmar; 1998:20-31.
“et all” should be mentioned following the name of the fourth author
A comma comes after the name of the author which follows by the word “editor”
Sir name of the first author “space” the first letter of the authors first name (do this for the rest of the authors). Title of the article, title of the journal, date of publish, volume, referred pages. Example: Leviss J, Kremsdorf R, Mohaideen M.The CMIO – A New Leader for Health System. JAMIA 2006; 13(5): 573-578. -The electronic address of the electronic journals must be mentioned. -The title of the journal should be abbreviated according to the Medline. www.mlm.nih.gov
“et al” should be mentioned after the name of the fourth author
If the referred book or journal belongs to an organization, the exact affiliation must be mentioned.
Sir name of the executive, first name, title of the thesis [thesis]. Place of publish: name of faculty, university, date of publish. - Youssef NM. School adjustment of children with congenital heart disease [Thesis]. Pittsburgh (PA): Univ. of Pittsburgh; 1988.
Sir name of the writer of the letter, first letter of the first name, year, month, day, subject of the letter, name of the receiver, e-mail of the writer of the letter.
Sir name of the presenter, first name, title of the article, date of the conference, organizer of the conference, year of the conference |
Illustrations, tables, tools for collecting data (Questionnaire, checklist) are included in appendix.