Effects of Information Technology on the Improvement of Health Systems from the Viewpoint of Executive Managers

Document Type : Original Article


1 Department of Health Services Management, School of Khalkhal Medical Sciences, Ardabil University of Medical Sciences, Ardabil, Iran

2 Department of Health Services Management, Islamic Azad University of Tehran South Branch, Tehran , Iran

3 Epidemiology, Khalkhal Health Center, School of Khalkhal Medical Sciences, Ardabil University of Medical Sciences, Ardabil, Iran

4 Department of Health Services Management , Arak University of Medical Sciences, Arak, Iran


The present study aims to assess the attitudes of executive directors of Ardabil University of Medical Sciences, on effects of information technology in health improvement.
This is a descriptive cross-sectional study conducted in the first half of the current Iranian year, 1395, ending March 21st. A study population of 43 executive directors working in the network management, healthcare and educational deputies, and the administrative and information technology offices of the counties affiliated to Ardabil University of Medical Sciences were selected by means of census method. The data were collected using a standard questionnaire. Then the data were analyzed using statistical software SPSS20.
A total of 95% of participants were male. Their mean age and work experience were 41.09 and 14.44, respectively. In this study, the mean score of the effect of information technology on dimensions of management, education, healthcare, information system improvement, and the proposed solutions for higher effectiveness; were 26.70; 17.26; 26.74; 42.65; 69.33, respectively. Given the executive directors’ attitude in the surveyed aspects, there was no significant difference; however, there were significant relationships in the work experience and health information system improvement aspects.
The positive attitude of the study population indicates that there are appropriate background, context and awareness to execute and develop information technology in order to reach the maximum efficiency in health systems. 


Main Subjects

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