Data Requirements and Technical Capabilities of Educational Mobile Application for ‎Parents with Autistic Child

Document Type : Original Article


1 Department of Health Information Management, School of Health Management and Information Sciences, Iran University of Medical Sciences, Tehran-Iran

2 Department of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry, School of Medicine, Iran University of Medical Sciences, Mental Health Research Center, Tehran, Iran

3 Department of Health Information Technology, Khalkhal University of Medical Sciences

4 Department of Health Information Technology, Khalkhal School of Medical Sciences, Khalkhal, Iran

5 Department of Health Information Technology, School of Management and Medical Information, Iran University of Medical Sciences, Tehran, Iran


Parents with autistic children need training in therapeutic interventions and rehabilitation for their children. Mobile applications are one of the new ways to teach parents with an autistic child. The aim of this study was to determine data requirements and technical capabilities of an educational system for parents of children with an autism spectrum disorder.
This research was a descriptive developmental study. The first step was to determine the data elements and technical capabilities of the educational system by search the databases of PubMed, Scopus, Google Scholar, Web of Science and Guidelines about Autism. In the second step, psychiatrists and pediatric neurologists were asked about the requirements and data elements of the educational system with a questionnaire.
Three categories of requirements, including demographic, clinical data elements, and technical capabilities for system design, were determined. Data elements included demographic information of the child and parents Includes 7 items (78%), clinical information including autism training, self-care, and anxiety and worry reduction, and rehabilitation strategies, including the presentation of interventional techniques including 10 items (83%). The system's technical capabilities also included presenting reminders for in-person visits, introducing specialists and medical centers, receiving parental problems, and providing motivational messages including items (50%).
The requirements and data elements for the design and implementation of an educational mobile system to support parents with an autistic child were obtained. Parents' training rehabilitation and self-care skills are the most important data elements of the educational application. By identifying the technical capabilities and data requirements of an educational application, can help educate and enhance the self-care and rehabilitation skills of parents of autistic children and reduce their parents' problems and concerns.


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