The Effect of Genu Varum on the Kinetics of Running Among Soccer Players in ‎Anticipated and Unanticipated Conditions

Document Type : Original Article


1 Department of Sports Biomechanics, Faculty of Physical Education and Sports Sciences, Kharazmi University, Tehran, Iran

2 Department of Sports Biomechanics, Iran Institute of Physical Education and Sports Sciences


Since changes in body alignment cause an impairment of motor skills, the purpose of this study was to investigate the effect of genu varum on the kinetics of running in anticipated and unanticipated conditions.
30 elite male soccer players (two groups of genu varum and normal) were recruited in this semi-experimental study. The data of ground reaction force was collected by two force plates during running.
The results showed that vertical ground reaction force and loading rate were significantly greater in genu varum group compared with normal group in both anticipated and unanticipated conditions (p≤0.05). Also, time to peak of vertical ground reaction force in unanticipated condition was longer than anticipated condition (p≤0.05). There was no significant different between groups and conditions in anterior-posterior and medial-lateral GRF, time to peak of anterior-posterior GRF, vertical and propulsive impulse and contact time (p>0.05).
According to the results, it seems that kinetics of running of soccer players can be affected by genu varum and anticipation.


Main Subjects

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