Comparison of the Effect of Pilates and Core Stability Exercises on Diastasis Recti and the Structural Component in Abdominis Muscles of Primiparous Mothers
Purpose: Diastasis recti and structural changes in the abdominal muscles are among the important consequences of C-section delivery. Exercises have been proposed as a safe and pain-free solution to improve these symptoms. Therefore, the purpose of this research was to compare the effects of pilates exercises and core stability on diastasis recti and the structural characteristics of the abdominal muscles in primiparous women. Methods: The current research is semi-experimental. A total of 20 primiparous mothers between the ages of 20 and 30 were included in the research based on the inclusion and exclusion criteria. They were randomly divided into two groups of core stability exercises and pilates exercises. In the pre-examination stage, diastasis recti and the thickness of the rectus abdominis and transvers abdominis muscles were evaluated by ultrasound. After that, the subjects of the training groups performed their respective exercises for 8 weeks. The exercises were 3 sessions a week and each session lasted 45 to 60 minutes. After the end of 8 weeks of exercises, all research variables were examined once again in the post-test phase. Two-way analysis of variance method was used to statistically analyze the research findings at a significance level of p≤0.05. Results: The results of the two-way analysis of variance test showed that after 8 weeks of exercises, diastasis recti (p=0.001) and the thickness of the rectus abdominis (p=0.001) and transvers abdominis (p=0.021) muscles improved significantly in both training groups. Also, the results showed that in the post-test, there is no significant difference between the average of the study variables in the two training groups (p≥0.05). Conclusion: Because pilates and core stability exercises have a significant effect on the recruitment the motor units of the central muscles of the body, they can increase the strength and coordination of the rectus and transverse abdominal muscles and, as a result, create stability in this area. Therefore, they can be suggested as suitable options for improving diastasis recti and the thickness of the abdominal muscles of primiparous women.
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Davari, S. , Bagherpour, T. and Nemati, N. (2023). Comparison of the Effect of Pilates and Core Stability Exercises on Diastasis Recti and the Structural Component in Abdominis Muscles of Primiparous Mothers. Journal of Paramedical Sciences & Rehabilitation, 12(2), 7-18. doi: 10.22038/jpsr.2023.72253.2499
Davari, S. , , Bagherpour, T. , and Nemati, N. . "Comparison of the Effect of Pilates and Core Stability Exercises on Diastasis Recti and the Structural Component in Abdominis Muscles of Primiparous Mothers", Journal of Paramedical Sciences & Rehabilitation, 12, 2, 2023, 7-18. doi: 10.22038/jpsr.2023.72253.2499
Davari, S., Bagherpour, T., Nemati, N. (2023). 'Comparison of the Effect of Pilates and Core Stability Exercises on Diastasis Recti and the Structural Component in Abdominis Muscles of Primiparous Mothers', Journal of Paramedical Sciences & Rehabilitation, 12(2), pp. 7-18. doi: 10.22038/jpsr.2023.72253.2499
S. Davari , T. Bagherpour and N. Nemati, "Comparison of the Effect of Pilates and Core Stability Exercises on Diastasis Recti and the Structural Component in Abdominis Muscles of Primiparous Mothers," Journal of Paramedical Sciences & Rehabilitation, 12 2 (2023): 7-18, doi: 10.22038/jpsr.2023.72253.2499
Davari, S., Bagherpour, T., Nemati, N. Comparison of the Effect of Pilates and Core Stability Exercises on Diastasis Recti and the Structural Component in Abdominis Muscles of Primiparous Mothers. Journal of Paramedical Sciences & Rehabilitation, 2023; 12(2): 7-18. doi: 10.22038/jpsr.2023.72253.2499