Purpose: The aim of this present study was to compare the amount of pain, maximum oxygen consumption and maximum plantar pressures at different speeds in females with patellofemoral pain syndrome and healthy females. Methods: The current research was of semi-experimental and laboratory type. Polar instrument was used to measure the maximum oxygen consumption. 30 subjects in two groups ran the ten-meter track where the foot scanner was located at slow and fast speeds. Relevant variables were recorded with a foot scanner. SPSS version 23 software was used for statistical analysis. Results: The results of the speed factor showed that at the peak of the variables internal heel force (Cohen’s d=0.146; p<0.05), external heel force (Cohen's d=0.179; p<0.05), the first metatarsal (Cohen's d=0.181; p<0.05), second, third (Cohen's d=0.218; p<0.05), fourth (Cohen's d=0.180; p<0.05), fifth (Cohen's d= 0.201; p<0.05), midfoot (Cohen's d=0.253; p≥0.001), first toe (Cohen's d=0.200; p<0.05), fingers 2 to 5 (Cohen's d=0.156; p< 0.05). Ground reaction force (Cohen's d =0.489: p≥0.001), center of pressure in the anterior-posterior region (Cohen's d = 0.131; p<0.05) there is a significant increase in both healthy groups and patients with patellofemoral syndrome during running at fast speed. Also, in the speed factor, the maximum time to reach the peak of ground reaction force (Cohen's d=0.727; p≥0.001), the time to reach the ground reaction force (Cohen's d=0.366; p≥0.001), decreased. The results of the present study showed a significant increase in the amount of pain in the group with patellofemoral syndrome (p≥0.001). Conclusion: The peak vertical forces in females with patellofemoral pain syndrome were higher than healthy females. On the other hand, females with patellofemoral pain syndrome are more exposed to lower limb injuries than healthy females.
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Meamarbashi, A. , Barghamadi, M. , Sabouri, L. and Fathollahi, A. (2024). Comparison of Pain Scale and Maximum Plantar Pressures at Different Speeds in Females with Patellofemoral Pain Syndrome and Healthy Females. Journal of Paramedical Sciences & Rehabilitation, 13(4), 53-63. doi: 10.22038/jpsr.2025.79490.2613
Meamarbashi, A. , , Barghamadi, M. , , Sabouri, L. , and Fathollahi, A. . "Comparison of Pain Scale and Maximum Plantar Pressures at Different Speeds in Females with Patellofemoral Pain Syndrome and Healthy Females", Journal of Paramedical Sciences & Rehabilitation, 13, 4, 2024, 53-63. doi: 10.22038/jpsr.2025.79490.2613
Meamarbashi, A., Barghamadi, M., Sabouri, L., Fathollahi, A. (2024). 'Comparison of Pain Scale and Maximum Plantar Pressures at Different Speeds in Females with Patellofemoral Pain Syndrome and Healthy Females', Journal of Paramedical Sciences & Rehabilitation, 13(4), pp. 53-63. doi: 10.22038/jpsr.2025.79490.2613
A. Meamarbashi , M. Barghamadi , L. Sabouri and A. Fathollahi, "Comparison of Pain Scale and Maximum Plantar Pressures at Different Speeds in Females with Patellofemoral Pain Syndrome and Healthy Females," Journal of Paramedical Sciences & Rehabilitation, 13 4 (2024): 53-63, doi: 10.22038/jpsr.2025.79490.2613
Meamarbashi, A., Barghamadi, M., Sabouri, L., Fathollahi, A. Comparison of Pain Scale and Maximum Plantar Pressures at Different Speeds in Females with Patellofemoral Pain Syndrome and Healthy Females. Journal of Paramedical Sciences & Rehabilitation, 2024; 13(4): 53-63. doi: 10.22038/jpsr.2025.79490.2613