Evaluation of Hospital Information Systems from the Users’ Viewpoints in Tehran

Document Type : Original Article


1 Associate Professor, School of Management and Medical Information Sciences, Iran University of Medical Sciences, Tehran, Iran.

2 MSc in Medical Record, Sabzevar University of Medical Sciences, Sabzevar, Iran.

3 Assistant professor, School of Allied Medical Sciences,Tehran University of Medical Sciences, Tehran, Iran

4 Faculty member, School of Management and Medical Information Sciences, University of Medical Sciences Iran, Tehran, Iran


Hospital information systems (HIS) are considered prerequisites for the efficient delivery of high quality health care in hospitals. A dialogue is suitable, if it supports the users to realize their tasks effectively and efficiently. Only those parts of the software are presented, which are necessary to fulfill the task. 
This is a descriptive cross- sectional study. The hospitals which have hospital information systems in Tehran were selected. Then, between these hospitals, depends on companies providing these systems, one hospital was randomly selected. Finally, it was surveyed hospital information systems usability form viewpoint of department secretaries, the nurses and para units users through the standard questionnaire of IsoMetric 9241/10. Data analysis was performed using descriptive tests by SPSS statistical Software.
Findings showed that the means of suitability for the task was 3.04 from 5, with respect to users view.  Suitability for the task was rated low especially by Para clinic users (2.96) while secretaries (3.03) and nursing staff (3.13) gave the better ratings, but being far from good.
It seems that developers of HIS should pay more attention to the following criteria in the software development life cycle:
The software should not force user to perform tasks that are not related to his actual work.
I am able to adjust the presentation of results to my various work requirements.
The important commands required to perform my work are easy to find.


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